Saturday, 14 January 2023

Didcot visit (part 2)

 Here follows some photos of Didcot engine shed and an ancillary building with tool rack.

Monday, 9 January 2023

Didcot visit (part 1)

After our move up north I'm still pondering Rospeath Lane's future. Though it is a layout I'd like to progress with it may have to be redesigned slightly. That said I'll still require the core buildings of the coaling stage and engine shed.

Last September I visited Didcot Railway Centre with the main aim of taking photographs of the buildings and any ancillary equipment. This was with the hope of getting a guide to colouration of the brick work.

The colouration of the water tank at Didcot is causing me a some concern. What I was expecting was versions of GWR Stone No 1 and No 3. On the water Tank and Engine Shed Stone No 3 looked more like maroon. I reaslise that this is not an exact science as paint might alter slightly between batches but this does seem a tad dramatic. Would this be due to weathering or a from a repaint during BR ownership? I'm not sure so to be happy with my model I may have to go what is recognised as GWR Stone No.3.